Friday, July 27, 2012

Ways To Save Money on Groceries

With a teenager and almost teenager in the house, I swear I can never keep enough food in the house and groceries is a HUGE expense in our home so I'm always looking for ways to feed my hungry family cheaply.

Typically, when I walk past my grocery stores clearance produce I usually just continue on without more than a passing glance. I always figured that it's not much of a savings if I buy discounted food only to have it go to waste.

Wisebread offers 7 Ways To Make Use of Sub-par Produce. Take a look at some of these great ideas. I can't believe they hadn't occurred to me before reading this article!

I will have to do some calculations to see if a dehydrator will be worth the purchase and end up saving money in the long run but I do love the idea of making soups, breads and freezing the items for later use.

Thanks for the tips Wisebread :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What a Start!

Well what a start to my new Blog.

At the beginning of the month we moved out of town; away from our family and friends to live in a small town where we have been staying in the basement of friends. Well things just haven't quite turned out the way they were made out to be (I will explain more in a future post) and I had to make a very difficult decision. Stay here with no job, no friends (aside from the couple we live with), no place of our own, no temp agencies, no jobs and risk eating up the rest of my savings and getting trapped here or to move back to our home town with my tail between my legs.

I have decided to move back home ... this has been a very expensive mistake and is taking quite the emotional toll on me but back home we go. Our move date is August 11th. A month and 10 days after we arrived.

Now it's absolutely necessary to coupon and save in every area of our lives that I can. Since I don't know people with a large moving truck or even several with vans and trucks, I'm left with no choice but to rent a moving truck and that will run me approximately $400.00 due to the distance and cost of fuel.

I hope to post here and there while packing up but I can't make any promises about the frequency of my posts until after we are settled back home again.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Welcome to my new little hole on the internet. I started this blog with the intent of posting coupons, savings, home made items, and general home making tips and tricks to make life a little cheaper :)